This week I found out that November is Positive Image Month here in the UK. After reading an article about the ideas behind the campaign and finding out that 1 in 4 of us worry about our looks every 60 seconds (that's a hell of a lot of worrying we're doing!) I wanted to pay tribute to this month of positivity.
The stats are bad enough, 1 in 3 of us feel that we'd be happier if we could change our body and 40% of us think we'd be more successful if we were better looking. I know I'm just as guilty as every other woman out there for hating on myself and having days where I really don't like what I see in the mirror, but seeing the statistics written in black and white made me realise just how much of a problem body image really is.
Thinking about this week I realised that I have been unhappy with the way I look every single day for the past 5 years, 5 years! How much time have I been wasting worrying about the way I look and how other people see me?!
So, as part of Positive Image Month I've decided I am going to give myself a break and make a huge effort to love what I've got, cos ya know what? It's the only body I'm gunna get and it spends all day everyday keeping me alive. How ungrateful am I being by hating the one thing that's keeping me alive?!
If you've seen any of the Perfect Imperfection tag videos on YouTube, you'll know that female YouTubers all over the world have been trying to encourage a more positive attitude towards body image, laying themselves bare and telling the world three of their hang ups but also three of their body loves.
I adore the title of the tag and really love the idea. I decided I wanted to join the cause, so without further ado here are my Perfect Imperfections...
I need to learn to love...
~ My height, being 6 ft tall has its advantages but mostly it means I tower over all my friends even when they wear heels. it also makes shopping for clothes a pain in the arse, my body is too long for cute dresses and skirts end up showing my butt to the world (never a great look!).
~ My legs, specifically my thighs. Years of trampolining and a bunch of genes from my dad (cheers dad!) mean I've got pretty muscular thighs. I've always felt they look out of proportion to my smaller calves and skinny ankles.
~ My stomach. probably my biggest hangup and something I worry about every single day.
And in the spirit of positivity, the bits I love about my body are...
~ My eyes, they've got a really dark ring round the outside of the paler blue which I think looks kinda unique.
~ My skin, I'm lucky enough to have missed the acne genes in my family and to only suffer the occasional breakout.
~ My boobs, although I'm never gunna have anything more than a handful I'm okay with it. And on the plus side I've been reliably informed by female relatives that they'll be perky long after everyone else's have gone south (win?!).
This month join me in building up female self- esteem, give yourself a break and let me know what you love about your body and how you plan to turn your hang ups into positive thoughts.
Remember you are beautiful, obsessing over your body wont change it but it will waste your time and energy. You are gorgeous just the way you are, perfect imperfections and all.
(for more info on Positive Image Month head over to www.timetolookbeyondthemirror.co.uk)