Happy New Year!
2014 is well underway and as with the start of each new year brings the promise of new beginnings and the chance to make some changes. Throughout December I took a really good look at my life and what I wanted to achieve and am determined to make some changes so that 2014 can be my year.
This year I will...
~ Read more...I feel like I spent a whole lot of 2013 looking at screens and I used to be such a book worm! I miss sitting down with a good book and loosing myself in it for a few days. Don't get me wrong I'll still be glued to American Horror Story and Pretty Little Liars, but I don't really need to sit and watch repeats of repeats on E4 all day long!
~ Become a more consistent blogger ~ I've not been blogging for all that long but I really want to get on with putting the ideas that build up in my head onto paper and making more frequent posts. Hopefully 2014 will be the year I make this blog something I'm really proud of.
~ Push myself ~ I suffer from high anxiety and tend to panic in situations which wouldn't phase most people. I want to make 2014 the year I push myself to step out of my comfort zone and try to get a handle on my anxiety, as one of my best friends keeps telling me 'don't think, put your Nikes on and Just Do It!'. Easier said than done but I'm gunna be wearing my Nikes on my worst days and knowing that I have people who believe in me and want to see me succeed.
~ Apply for as many jobs as possible ~ In a similar way to pushing myself to get to grips with my anxiety I want to push myself to apply for all those jobs I'd love to do but somehow manage to talk myself out of applying for. I need to gain some confidence in my own abilities and build up my skill base so 2015 can be the year of even better jobs!
~ Work out more often and eat more healthily ~ I'd love to challenge myself to work out 5-6 days a week but I know from experience that's not an achievable goal to set straight out. So this year I'm starting with 3 work outs a week and building myself up as the year progresses. To make all this exercise worthwhile I'm also going to have to work on my portion control, and maybe give away some of those Christmas chocolate boxes!
Organisation ~ I think I set myself this resolution every year and every year I end up just as unorganised and muddled as ever! This year I am determined to sort myself out, clear out the mess and organise myself so that I have routines and actually know what I'm supposed to be doing instead of worrying that I've forgotten something important!
And there you have it, 2014's resolutions, not as exciting as my mum's resolution to eat cake every day (why I couldn't have inherited her metabolism I'll never know!) but they're small goals I reckon I can stick to.
I'd love to know what your resolutions are so I don't feel so alone with all my new rules!