Monday, 24 February 2014

Monday Musings #2

This week, as my single girl life continues, I've been thinking about kissing and big of a deal something so simple is.

From angst filled teenage kisses to slightly past tipsy on the dance floor of a club kisses, its mad how something goes from being such a huge deal to something almost trivial as you grow up and your experiences broaden.

A kiss is usually the first taste (no pun intended!) of someone you might kinda like, and how they work.  We all do it differently and some or by far better than others, and I got to thinking about those who have fallen a little short in the snogging stakes.

Age 18 on one of my first nights out in a club it's fair to say I drank a little too much (massive understatement!) and ended up kissing a guy I'd met earlier.  It wasn't great, hammered kisses usually aren't, especially when one (or both of you *cringe*) has to leave to throw up in the toilets part way through.  Not my finest moment!

The there's the rugby player, who seemed to be ticking all the boxes.  That was until he tried to break my neck by apparently confusing a kiss with a scrum.  I still get twinges down the back of my neck from time to time, shoulda asked him for the number of his physio.

And then, more recently, there was the case of a guy who talked the talk and walked the walk (charming birds from the trees type of guy).  Who for all his hype was apparently taught to kiss by a washing machine.

It's not always the boys though, and some can be real sweethearts when you mess up too.  Like the guy who, after establishing I wasn't laughing at him, was super cool about my attack of the giggles mid snog (again a case of a little too much wine), or the guy who checked in after we'd said goodnight 'just to make sure I'd enjoyed the kiss' and 'did he do okay' (bless him!)

So there you have it, from womanizing washing machines to men who should come with a physical health warning.  Men-kind you do lighten up my life, and as long as you'll put up with my attacks of the giggles and standing on the yellow pages when I'm wearing my heels I'm sure I can put up with a few bad snogs here and there (gives me something to write about anyway!)


Friday, 21 February 2014

The Monuments Men - Review

 This week I headed to the cinema on a rare outing with the family.  It's nice to be able to hang out with them all and have everyone together once in a while (despite the fact we all live in the same house there never seems to be more than 2 of us in at a time!).

Anyway, we headed off on our little excursion to see The Monuments Men, a film I knew nothing about and wasn't overly enthused to be going to see.  More fool me, because the film was amazing!  There are few films out there that really strike a chord with me, but boy this one really hit me.

The Monuments Men were a team of Professors, Art Collectors and Art Specialists who were tasked to find the art stolen from Museums and Collectors across Europe by Hitler during the Second World War.  Hitler planned to build and fill the Fuhrermuseum with all the great works, and burn or destroy anything that he disliked.

The Monuments Men were determined to preserve the artworks and ensure that they remained for future generations to admire, enjoy and study.  Amongst the serious undertone of the film it's also a hilarious watch, taking you on a roller coaster of emotions.

Something about the combination of the horrors of war, the beauty of art and the passion of those willing to risk their lives so that future generations might know something of their past makes this film a must see.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Monday Musings #1

The last time I tried to start a series on here I made one post, got half way through a second one and gave up (always full of good intentions!) but it's a new year and I'm going to give it a go again!  So here it is, the first Monday Musings, and hopefully the start of many...

One of my New Years Resolutions was to focus on my anxiety and try my best to gain a handle on it.  One of my main problems is worrying constantly how others perceive me, from how I look to whether I'm letting people down or not doing them proud.

I've been thinking a lot about self confidence and self respect the past few weeks and really identified with the quote 'It aint what they call you, It's what you answer to'.

It got me thinking how easy it is to accept others opinions as fact or assume that one person's view is shared by everyone.  You don't have to accept someone else's limitations for yourself and you certainly don't have to agree with their opinions, that's why it's an opinion. 

Respecting other's opinions is essential in life but so is respecting yourself enough to know that your feelings and opinions are just as valid as theirs.  You can't control what people will say or how they perceive you but you can change your outlook and attitude and be the best version of you for you.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Lighten Up

As Spring rounds the corner and I'm starting to pull myself out of my post break-up funk (I've spent far too long in the wallowy/stalk him on facebook/worry I'll be alone forever phase, not the best look!) I decided it was time to lighten up a bit!

I started from the top and ombréd my hair!  I've ombréd my hair before but it got a little lost in amongst the pinks/blues/reds/oranges and every other colour you can think of, but as my hair is growing back into its natural colour I thought I'd add a little sun to the tips.

Previously I've used bleach and just mixed a small amount but I thought I'd try something new this time and went for the L'Oreal Paris Intense Ombré Préférence.  I used the light to dark brown intense effect box and I think it's turned out pretty well!

I love that it comes with a little brish so you can just put the mixture onto that and bush it through your hair.  It made it so much easier to get it level all around the head rather than using my hands or a tinting brush to put it onto the hair.

before & after
 I only left the mixture on for 25 mins (you can leave it on for up to 45) as I wasn't too sure how my damaged hair would react it it.  But I think I'll be doing another process in the next few weeks to lighten up even more!


Friday, 14 February 2014

Be My Valentine?

As my first single Valentines Day in a while got ever closer I started to get the concerned messages from loved up friends.  How was I planning to spend the day? Would I be doing anything fun? Had anyone offered to take me out?

Rather than feeling sad that I had no Valentine this year I got to thinking how blessed I am to have so many people in my life who care enough to worry about me and how today might make me feel.  And rather than looking at happy couples with a wistful look in my eye, I've found myself feeling really happy that those I love have found someone to love and care for them.

So this Valentines Day I'm going to celebrate love in all forms, from my friends, my family and be thankful that I have such amazing people around me.  

And then I'm going to sit and watch all my favorite films without worrying that someone else might not be enjoying them as much as I am, paint my nails without complaints of the smell of fumes, do a face mask without having to worry about who will see me with a green face and snuggle up in my onesie, feeling thankful that uncomfortably small and restrictive underwear is not something I have to contend with this year!

Primarni Love

This week I've had a little more spare time than usual and I decided to use it wisely and hit the shops!  I've been lusting after American Apparel's Disco Pants for what feels like forever now but just can't bring myself to part with £70-£80 for what is essentially a pair of shiny leggings :(

Luckily there are tonnes of dupes on the high street and I found a pair I loved in H&M for a fraction of the price.  I've been wearing them non-stop since, they've even kicked my jeans back into the wardrobe!

After picking up the trousers I headed to Primark to see if they had any cropped tees to pair with them, and I wasn't disappointed.  They've got some seriousl lovely pieces in Primark at the moment, I may have to make another trip!  But here's the first few bits I picked out to pair with my 'disco pants'.

Top Left ~ I love this little polka dot shirt its so cute and drapes really nicely
Top Right ~ This t-shirt has become one of my faves already.  it's super comfy and the perfect length with the trousers
Bottom Left ~ I can't wait for summer and I think I'll have to save this one till the sun makes a reappearance!
Bottom Right ~ I couldn't help myself when I saw these socks, so cute!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Challenge Yourself

In a bid to up my fitness and become a healthier human being I've been working out a lot more than I ever have before.  I figured that seeing as every year I set myself the same goal, to feel comfortable in my bikini on holiday, maybe this year I should actually do something about it!

I'm not the greatest at repetitive programs as I loose interest waaay too quickly but across January I managed to (mostly) stick to Jessica Smith TV's January Challenge and do something each day.

As February rolled around and the challenge ended I started to get a little lazy again.  So today I have decided to take up a new challenge and to try and complete as many challenges as possible this year.

Today I found the 30 Day Fitness Challenges page and I think I may have a new fitness go-to.  They have loads of challenges that last (unsurprisingly) for 30 days so you can do one a moth or, if you're feeling really brave, give a couple a go at the same time.

I've decided to start off with the 30 Day Ab & Squat Challenge as my bum and stomach are both areas that I'm really self conscious about.  I'm hoping to ad another challenge at the start of March to keep pushing myself and hopefully see more of a change.

Now I've written this all down I've no excuse for not doing it!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Try, Try & Try Again

 Last night as I was curled up on the sofa with a mug of hot chocolate, steadily making my way through a box of Dairy Milk (it hadn't been a great day!) I started watching the Winter Olympics. 

I'm not a huge sports fan but the Olympics gets me every time.  There's something about watching people who dedicate their lives to something they love achieving the highest accolade within their field.

Last night was the men's snowboard half pipe finals and I watched as Iouri Podladtchikov (love that they call him i-Pod!) beat Shaun White to gold.  That was amazing enough in itself, but to hear that he had been stood in White's shadow for the last 8 years and was finally coming top made it even more special.  

The Olypmics, summer and winter, always prove what hard work and determination can do, but I have never been more inspired to try, try and try again.  If Iouri Podladtchikov has proved one thing (aside from how awesome he is on a snowboard!) it's that perseverance and dedication will get you where you want to be, no matter how long it takes.

Also can we just appreciate the fact that he won with what he calls a YOLO flip, YOLO 'nuff said!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Tell Me, What's Your Flavour?

So my New Year's Resolution to blog more (along with pretty much every other resolution I made) went right out the window! 

 I tend to go through cycles in my life, being really into one thing and focusing all of my energy onto that and then, as my brain wanders and gets obsessed with something new, letting it tail off until I come back round to it.

I think this is probably part of my artistic side, finding inspiration in so many different areas and constantly looking for something new to loose myself in.  I know that from the outside my mind and my life must look muddled, unorganised and more than a little messy but to me it makes perfect sense.  

I like to think of my life like ice cream (yum!)  Why stick with vanilla when you could try all the flavours and find so many more that you might love?  Of course they wont all be to my taste but at least you can say I know for sure, one way or the other.  Like Craig David says 'What's your flavour? Tell me, what's your flavour (oooooh!)'

My resolutions in January were made with the best intentions but I feel I make the same rules for myself every year and disappoint myself each year that I didn't achieve them.  January has not been the easiest of months for me this year and if its taught me everything its to go out and make sure I'm trying every flavour of ice cream I can find, I might even find one I like more than strawberry!