This week, as my single girl life continues, I've been thinking about kissing and big of a deal something so simple is.
From angst filled teenage kisses to slightly past tipsy on the dance floor of a club kisses, its mad how something goes from being such a huge deal to something almost trivial as you grow up and your experiences broaden.
A kiss is usually the first taste (no pun intended!) of someone you might kinda like, and how they work. We all do it differently and some or by far better than others, and I got to thinking about those who have fallen a little short in the snogging stakes.
Age 18 on one of my first nights out in a club it's fair to say I drank a little too much (massive understatement!) and ended up kissing a guy I'd met earlier. It wasn't great, hammered kisses usually aren't, especially when one (or both of you *cringe*) has to leave to throw up in the toilets part way through. Not my finest moment!
The there's the rugby player, who seemed to be ticking all the boxes. That was until he tried to break my neck by apparently confusing a kiss with a scrum. I still get twinges down the back of my neck from time to time, shoulda asked him for the number of his physio.
And then, more recently, there was the case of a guy who talked the talk and walked the walk (charming birds from the trees type of guy). Who for all his hype was apparently taught to kiss by a washing machine.
It's not always the boys though, and some can be real sweethearts when you mess up too. Like the guy who, after establishing I wasn't laughing at him, was super cool about my attack of the giggles mid snog (again a case of a little too much wine), or the guy who checked in after we'd said goodnight 'just to make sure I'd enjoyed the kiss' and 'did he do okay' (bless him!)
So there you have it, from womanizing washing machines to men who should come with a physical health warning. Men-kind you do lighten up my life, and as long as you'll put up with my attacks of the giggles and standing on the yellow pages when I'm wearing my heels I'm sure I can put up with a few bad snogs here and there (gives me something to write about anyway!)