Friday 18 October 2013

Make A Change

Recently I've been going through some pretty major life changes (and by recently I mean for about the last 3/4 months!).  As hard as change can be (I've been through every emotion on the spectrum, trust me!) I feel as if I'm finally coming out the other side with a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders and an immense sense of freedom, and it feels pretty darn good!

Like I said change is never easy regardless of if it's something as small as changing up your hair colour (a change I am waaay to happy with!) or something huge like moving away, ending a relationship or changing career.  Change is necessary for us to survive, (it's what evolution is all about after all!) and if you don't or can't change then you're stuck in the same place, going nowhere.

Over the past few weeks and months I've been reading up a lot on how to deal with change and why it feels the way it does.  I wanted to share some of the videos, articles and quotes that have really helped me through this time and hope they might help you out too if you're going through some changes.

Frilly + Fancy's blogpost 'Change' really made me feel loads better about changing circumstances.

HaiLedaBear's video 'Wish' is an old favorite and something I always go back to at unsettling times.  This video always reminds me that you have to stay true to yourself and change, although necessary needs to be for the right reasons.

Here are just a couple of quotes that've stuck in my head over the past few months and seem to make sense to me now more than at any other time.

And lastly, as vital as change is, make sure you're making the right changes for the right reasons.

Let me know in the comments if you have any more videos/blog posts/articles etc on change that you've found helpful and I'll be sure to check them out!


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