Friday 6 September 2013

Lee Stafford ~ Hair Growth Review

Over the last year or so I've had real fun experimenting with my hair, I think I've now been every colour of the rainbow, and I've loved it!  However...this has come with some consequences, mostly that my hair turned dry and brittle and then started to break off near to the root.  This left me with an interesting (to say the least!) hair style of very short layers on top and longer hair underneath, kinda like a wasn't a good look!

For the last six months I've been trying out the Lee Stafford hair growth range to see if it could make any difference to my poor hair.  The set is made up of a shampoo, conditioner and a hair mask which are 'a protein based complex to fertilize your follicles, creating a healthy environment on the scalp to help hair grow faster and reach its maximum potential length.'  

The system is supposed to increase the blood flow to your scalp making the hair grow faster as well as conditioning it to stop split ends etc. breaking off the hair from the tip.

Lee Stafford Hair Growth System

In terms of price these products definitely aren't cheap, £6.99 each for the shampoo and conditioner and £7.99 for the mask and they're all only 200 ml per container (pricey!).  I managed to get my set on a 3 for 2 offer at Boots so keep an eye out for a deal!

 After trying them out I'm not so sure I agree with the claims they make on the bottles.  I haven't seen my hair grow any faster at all.  My roots seem to grow back in at the same speed as they always have, and my hair is still shoulder length.  I wasn't expecting to hop out of the shower with waist length hair after one use but I thought it might have grown a little more than usual with all this 'Pro-Growth complex'.

However, the label also says it will give your hair 'strength from within' and in that respect it hasn't all been a waste of time and money.  

As I said before my hair was in awful condition.  If you've ever over bleached your hair you'll understand what I mean when I say it was like chewing gum.  It was brittle when dry, snapping off every time I even looked at a hair brush, and stretched a mile whenever it got wet before snapping off again, so not a good look!

Since I've been using the Lee Stafford set my hair is in much better condition.  The hair mask in particular has made a huge difference to the feel and strength of my hair and the days I washed my hair with out using it you could definitely tell the difference. I think the gentleness of the shampoo and conditioner, coupled with the deep conditioning, has also really helped.  My hair is no longer breaking off and those short little layers are starting to look like they're part of a style (thank god!)

I doubt I'll be purchasing these again, unless I go on another hair colouring spree, but I have enjoyed my little bit of luxury while it's lasted.  I'd say if you're looking for products to help your hair grow then don't waste your money, but if you've given your hair a bit of a hard time recently and are in need of some drastic help I'd give these a try.

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