Tuesday 11 February 2014

Tell Me, What's Your Flavour?

So my New Year's Resolution to blog more (along with pretty much every other resolution I made) went right out the window! 

 I tend to go through cycles in my life, being really into one thing and focusing all of my energy onto that and then, as my brain wanders and gets obsessed with something new, letting it tail off until I come back round to it.

I think this is probably part of my artistic side, finding inspiration in so many different areas and constantly looking for something new to loose myself in.  I know that from the outside my mind and my life must look muddled, unorganised and more than a little messy but to me it makes perfect sense.  

I like to think of my life like ice cream (yum!)  Why stick with vanilla when you could try all the flavours and find so many more that you might love?  Of course they wont all be to my taste but at least you can say I know for sure, one way or the other.  Like Craig David says 'What's your flavour? Tell me, what's your flavour (oooooh!)'

My resolutions in January were made with the best intentions but I feel I make the same rules for myself every year and disappoint myself each year that I didn't achieve them.  January has not been the easiest of months for me this year and if its taught me everything its to go out and make sure I'm trying every flavour of ice cream I can find, I might even find one I like more than strawberry!

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