Wednesday 25 June 2014

Monday Musings (on a Wednesday!) #4 ~ New Hair, Why Do You Care?‏

The other week I dyed my hair. I'm no stranger to dying my hair and the people who know me well are used to seeing strange things happening on my head at any given time. It's not conventional but I like it, it's an extension of my personality and the mood and emotions I happen to be experiencing at that time. 

 The only downside to having interestingly coloured hair is the comments from those who don't know me quite so well, from the positive 'that looks awesome, wish I had the balls to go that colour' to those who have literally laughed in my face. 

People change and evolve all the time, if we stayed the same we would be extinct by now, change is a fact of life and I quite like a change now and then. 

There are those who will say 'If you don't want the attention why do something that marks you out so much?' And it's a fair question to ask. I choose to change my hair and experiment with my appearance because I enjoy it, it makes me happy to try something new and to express myself. 

I feel lucky to have been encouraged to express my opinions and emotions by my family and, although I often find it hard to verbalise my every thought, visually I usually feel comfortable doing so. It would be so sad to see those who feel less confident expressing themselves not doing so because they fear what others will say.  

So for those who have laughed in my face, decided 'yea I'd probably still would even with that hair' (delightful as that one is!), sighed 'oh you changed it again' or told me point blank you don't like it...
it's my hair, why do you care? 


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