Monday 2 June 2014

Monday Musings #3 ~ It's Not Me, It's You

Looks like I've finally gotten a round to a Monday Musing again, not like it's been months or anything!

Today at work a guy asked me for my number, I politely declined and was instantly insulted and then studiously ignored for the rest of the day with the occasional glare from across the shop.

In the past I've apparently not been clear enough with expressing my disinterest and have been accused of 'leading a guy on' purely because I was trying to spare his feelings and not be rude.

So which approach is right? And why do men (I'm generalising here from my own experiences) always seem to require an excuse as to why a woman says no?

I don't feel right lying to someone and feeling them I have a boyfriend, and why should I have to justify my decisions or choices to someone purely because they have asked me out?

I've watched the film 'He's Just Not That Into You' a couple of times, it follows the typical premise that women always want the man and it is his choice who he picks.  Why, in today's society, is there such a divide?

From my experience a woman is far more likely to pick herself up and move on with good grace after a knock back, while men (again I can only go from my experience) will sulk, guilt trip the girl, get angry or demand an explanation as to the meaning of every action or move made.

So to the oh-so-charming men I have met of late, as harsh as it may sound and I'm sure you'll call me heartless (amongst other things), it's not me, it's you, I'm just not that into you.

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